Thursday, August 5, 2010

just breath

I set a goal to exercise everyday other than Sundays a little over three weeks ago. I am happy to report that I have achieved my goal thus far. I don't do the same thing every day but something different everyday. I have noticed a big difference in my stress level. Not to say that I don't get stressed at all anymore....I wish I could say that for the sake of my two sweet children. But I am able to handle it much better than I do when I don't exercise. I just think it is good to sweat a little and most of all breath deep. That is one reason why I love to run or do yoga at least a couple of times a week. Just giving my self time in the morning while everyone is still dozing to be alone and to breath deep helps me get my thoughts together and set the tone for my day. Now I just need to remember to pray before I start my day. Speaking of which I had better get on that.

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