Monday, June 1, 2009

swimsuit time :-|

So the other day I went to the swimming pool with my kids and found that after almost one year of not being pregnant I am still only comfortable in my maternity swim suit! On our way to the pool I fondly remembered how "fat" I was in High School and thought to myself how I would love to be that fat again. I have been hoping and not doing much working on getting my body worthy to be in a swimsuit with out having to have shorts and a t-shirt on. I was tempted to just go in pants my legs are so pasty white. So I am doing something about it this year. I am going to get into shape,get a tan. But not only that I am getting a new swimsuit that will compliment my motherly figure. Take a look!


Kristi @ Lolly Jane said...

that suit is adorable! ok i hate looking at that model b/c #1 her bod is rockin and #2 she looks just like ME! creepy.... :) lol

Kristal said...

I love that suit! Um, and I just saw you last month. You look fantastic! It takes me one full year to even start losing weight after my babies. Ug! I'm already up 50 this pregnancy and I have 7 more weeks.